
Lens Artists Challenge

Egidio has come up with a great challenge where we are to show photos that represent “music to my eyes”. His site has wonderful examples. I’ve decided to dive into the Beatles catalog for this challenge.

First up is the song written and sung by George Harrison – Here Comes the Sun. Like the song, sunrises can be very uplifting.

Another fun song is Baby You can Drive My Car.

I’m sure there have been many a chorus of the song Birthday at parties!

Can you guess the next one?

The last photo of birds reminds me of a more recent song Free as a Bird.

The remaining Beatles were provided with a demo that John recorded prior to his death and through the magic of studio/video technology and these great musicians, the Beatles were able to release a new song in the 1990’s. If you haven’t heard it, here’s a Youtube link


Lens Artists Challenge

This week’s challenge is led by Journeys with Johnbo. Here is the description of the challenge:

Please feature three or four images in your gallery that you tweaked for whatever reason as well as the original image straight out of the camera. The edits don’t have to be massive, maybe just cropping to remove unwanted items or reformatting the image size. Or perhaps you made significant edits to create what I like to call an altered reality where you removed or replaced components in the image, changed the color or tone, or otherwise created an entirely different look to the image.

The first image is an eastern phoebe. The edits I made were to crop, basic lighting adjustments and noise removal.

The next photo is a bromeliad plant. The edits included cropping, reducing the exposure, sharpening and enhancing the color.

The last photo is a macro of some tree blossoms. Much of the same (crop, adjust lighting, sharpen) plus tweaking the white balance to remove some of the warmth.

Most of my edits are in Lightroom. I will use Topaz Denoise if the photo is particularly noisy. I prefer this over Lightroom for reduction of a lot of noise in photos. For these photos, I didn’t have to use Topaz since they were not too noisy and LR handled this task nicely.

Thanks John for a great topic!! You can see the full description and his wonderful examples on his site.


A Few Favorites from March 2024

I can’t believe that March is over and we are in April. I’m loving the spring flowers and warmer weather (on some days). Here are some of my favorites from last month.

My husband had a business trip in Vegas so I was there for a few days of his trip. We went into a store called “I Love Sugar” but for me it was I Love Color.

While waiting for a bus to take us to the west rim of the Grand Canyon – I snapped this photo of a coyote – a first for me. This is heavily cropped.

Spring is showing it’s color and beauty.

I call this one beach minimalism.

One of my favorite birds visited our yard!!

It’s the grandsons’ first day on the soccer field.

We’re never to old for the playground – even at 14!!

Until next time!!


Lens Artists Challenge

This week’s topic is Water in Motion and our host is Sofia. Please visit her site where she has beautiful examples with descriptions. My first 2 photos come from the beach – no surprise there 🙂 Even just a few minutes at the beach restores my soul.

I love the sounds of the crashing waves on the shore.

Those same waves can make a beautiful background for photos.

Water that is otherwise still and quiet can change quickly with an incoming noisy goose.

And slight ripples in a lake during the fall can create some beautiful and colorful reflections.

Thanks Sofia for a great topic this week!


Lens Artists Challenge

The topic for our challenge this week is “People, Here, There and Everywhere”. Tina has a wonderful description of the challenge and great examples on her site. Here are some that I selected for this week’s topic.

The first one is from my cousin’s wedding in Kentucky. This little one stole the show!

This wedding photo is from March of 2020 when we were all secluded in our homes. My neighbor lived 2 houses down from us and her son was married in a small ceremony in her yard. I had my 100-400 lens and got to play paparazzi (with her permission).

My granddaughter was 5 when the movie “Frozen” came out so guess who came to her birthday party?

A few years back we went to the St. Augustine Alligator Farm. I was very surprised at how nice it was. It did not feel like a typical zoo where everything was in cages. As nice as it was – I was amazed that the staff were involved in hand feeding alligators. Never in a million years would I do that!!!

My grandson started kindergarten this year so we went over to their house to see him off. Life is definitely different in the Outer Banks where the mode of transportation to school can be either bus or bike. Here is the group of neighbors off to school in their bike caravan. They still ride bikes on most days.

Thanks Tina for a great topic!